Monday (21st January) is apparently the most depressing day of year. The day was supposedly calculated by multiple factors, including weather, debt level, time since Christmas, time since failing new years resolutions, low motivational levels and the feeling of needing to take action.
So, if you're feeling blue on ‘Blue Monday’ – here are some top tips to help cheer you up:
Cuddle a pet
Unless you’re allergic or have a fear – pets have proven to make people happier. Pets can help release endorphins and oxytocin which makes people happier. They can also be great for children too.
Do some exercise
Get those endorphins flowing around your body by doing some exercise. Go dancing, go for a walk in the countryside or go for a bike ride – anything that will get those endorphins going.
Take time to yourself
Clear your schedule, send your kids to their grandparents, sit back and relax doing something you love. Taking time for yourself will make you feel better instantly.
Take a break from social media
Fed up of seeing all of the great things that are happening in your friend’s life? Just turn it off. Have a break – whether it be a day, week or a month, this could make you feel better.
Spend time with friends
It’s hard to socialise this time of year as funds are low after Christmas and many people are on a new year health kick but catching up with friends can really cheer you up. Even if you invite a friend round for a chat and a coffee, the socialising will be great for the soul.
Is there anything in particular that you do that makes you feel happier? Let us know what they are in the comments below!