You should let your kids enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. The Early Years Alliance points out some of the benefits of playing outdoors, from physical fitness to reducing stress and anxiety. However, sometimes, it can be difficult to motivate your kids to spend time outdoors — especially if they own gaming devices such as tablets and consoles. So, we have listed some of our top tips to help you encourage your kids to go outdoors and spend some time in nature.
Take them on educational nature walks
Planning an educational nature walk is a great way to satisfy your child’s curious mind, while encouraging them to go outdoors. One activity that you can do during your nature walk is identifying the various flowers and insects that you encounter along the way. You can also play “I Spy” to keep them on their toes and be more mindful of what’s around them.
When going on your nature walks, make sure to pick a trail that suits your child physical fitness. If they’re at that age where they’re not really fond of walking long distances, it might be advisable to take a pushchair along with you. For the most part you will be able to use them on grassy terrain, luckily most modern prams are durable and can easily travel across bumpy ground. In addition, a pushchair can also provide the perfect gateway to your children enjoying the great outdoors as you introduce them to new environments. By having an educational nature walk with your child, you can simultaneously improve their mental and physical abilities.
Set a playdate
Another way to motivate your child to go outdoors is by setting a playdate with other kids. Children are more willing to play outside if they’re accompanied by kids their own age. So, be sure to call up their friends from school or neighbours, and plan a fun-filled day for them. Don’t forget to pack snacks and refreshments so they have plenty of energy. In addition, ensure that your kids are wearing the right trainers and clothes to prevent any injuries.
Bring the whole family along
Establishing the outdoors as family bonding time can motivate your children to play outside much more frequently. Through activities such as family camping trips or bike rides, you can help your child associate the outdoors with fun and positive family time. Aside from reaping the positive benefits of being in nature, your children can also have a better relationship with you and their siblings if you continue to have fun outdoors as a family. If you can’t go on a trip, you can still enjoy the outdoors as a family by playing outdoor games.